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Peter V's user avatar
Peter V
  • Member for 14 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
40 votes

Why use milk in scrambled eggs?

22 votes

Why does my steak turn out well done when the temperature probe says it's only rare?

18 votes

What herbs and spices are in "Italian Seasoning"?

15 votes

Beef Broth - What Went Wrong?

10 votes

Does kimchi go bad?

8 votes

How do I flip an egg when preparing it "over easy"?

8 votes

How should I add wine to the sauce for my duck?

6 votes

What are the basics and options of brining meat, for example chicken?

6 votes

Tips for grilling duck legs?

6 votes

Adding spices before or after frying?

5 votes

How should I use extra summer squash?

5 votes

How can I add a strong orange flavor to my dishes?

4 votes

What is the functional difference between imitation vanilla and true vanilla extract?

4 votes

BBQ Beef Brisket on a Propane Grill?

4 votes

How should I prepare Risotto

4 votes

Does butter really penetrate a steak when allowing it to rest after cooking?

4 votes

How can I tell if a fish can safely be prepared "crudo"?

4 votes

Are the leftovers from making stock good for anything?

4 votes

Caffeine content of cold-brewed coffee: higher or lower than hot-brewed?

4 votes

How do you get a feel for the heat (direct heat)?

4 votes

Do you heat the pan first, then add oil? Or put the oil in and heat up with the pan?

3 votes

How should I cook bacon in an oven?

3 votes

What's the best way to get a charcoal taste on a propane grill?

3 votes

Is there any way to sous-vide without a machine

3 votes

What's the best method for making iced coffee?

2 votes

Should I roast meat/bones before making stock out of it?

2 votes

Can you freeze mirepoix?

2 votes

Cup measurements: shake or scrape?

2 votes

How do I impart "extra" flavor with Sous Vide cooking?

2 votes

What flavorings do you use for sour pickles?