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Questions about cooking by dry heat without direct exposure to a flame, typically in an oven.

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Temperature of Electric Fan Ovens

Yes, it sounds like your oven is faulty. Or at least that the thermostat is wildly off. It's not uncommon for thermostats to be 10-20°C off, but 30°C seems like too much. (On the other hand, how muc …
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Why is this croissant dough not behaving as expected?

The hydration looks very low. With only 250g liquids to 500g of flour, that makes for 50% hydration. When I make croissants I typically use about 60-65% liquids. (Which also makes for a fairly stiff d …
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Can you make croissants with compound butter?

I have made garlic-butter laminated savoury rolls, using roughly the same method as for croissants. It works reasonably well, but I have found that I need to grind the garlic pretty finely. If there a …
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Removing sugar from baking recipes

Sugar does have an impact on more than flavour, so the texture of the cookies will change. You will have to experiment to find something that you like. On the other hand - if you don't want to change …
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Is there an equivalent to brownies in other cuisines?

The Swedish kladdkaka is pretty similar to the brownie, even though it's mostly classified as a cake, rather than a cookie. (It's typically served as a segment of a round cake, often with either icing …
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2 answers

Xanthan gum in bread baking

I was under the impression that Xanthan Gum could be used in bread in order to increase the hydration and make it fluffier. I have tried it three times (0.5% - 1% of flour weight) in two different rec …
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How to minimise sugar in meringue

It's also possible to replace some (or all) of the sugar with Isomalt. It behaves a lot like sugar, but isn't sweet.
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