the current "best answer" is the worst! itThe accepted answer says that seeds not commonly sold in stores have no nutrition, are bitter, or poisonare poisonous. so wrong! watermelon This is incorrect.
Watermelon, cantaloupe, apple, peach, apricot, etcerteraand so forth seeds are PACKEDpacked full of nutrients; even MOREmore than most commercially sold seeds. watermelon
Watermelon seeds are one of my top favorites, and are loaded with vital compounds, one being zinc. theyThey are crunchy, and taste nutty. theyThey are delicious! and cantaloupe
Cantaloupe seeds have been eaten by other cultures for years, and studies show they are full of good stuff yoo. you're on a computer rigt now.. google the name of the seed in question followed by "health benefits". don't take my word for it, find out for yourselftoo. also
Also, apricot seeds which are bitter, are toldsaid to be poisonous because they contain hydrogen cyanide. althoughAlthough this is true, it is such a small dose that it takes 70 apricot kernalskernels to be lethal [editors note: probably mean lethal dose in full sized adults]. many
Many cultures, like turkey ADORE theadore apricot seeds; they simply don't eat too many. studiesStudies also show that the small amount of cyanide is BENEFICIALbeneficial to our immune systems. do
Do you know that apple, cherry, peach, apricot, almond or anything else in this family produces cyanide? guess Guess what cyanide tastes like? ALMONDSAlmonds! thatsThat's right, our beloved almonds contain cyanide too! seriously peple, don't believe everything you are told by that damn television. learn how to learn for yourself. do some research once in a while. knowledge is your best friend!!! happy seed eating :D!