I'm trying to check whitebait temperature after cooked and it always seems to be a lower temperature than expected e.g. even after boiling the fish, removing the fish and adding the thermometer, the thermometer can show 40-50c.
I'm currently using this thermometer, however, although it goes in the fish(seemingl fully), perhaps as the fish is so small air is getting to it and so an accurate read isnt been given.
- Is my current thermometer inappropriate and are there any specific thermometers which can be used specifically to check small fish such as whitebait. I imagine the needle has to be very small considering the fish size and most thermometers i find are not much different than the one I linked.
- Is it possible that the fish reaches the safe temperature e.g. 62c however as soon as I remove the fish from the water it rapidly cools so by the time the thermometer goes in the fish tempertaure already decreases to say 40c? If yes how is it best to check fish temperature? I know you can look for texture and opaquness of of fish however I'm not good at judging with my eye so I'd rather use something more objective like a thermometer.