Three newbie questions:
- Purpose - I read somewhere (can't find the link again) that nonstick pans were purposefully designed to be used without oil. Is this really true? Or just that food generally won't stick?
- Cleaning - I also read that one of the options for cleaning grease off is boiling a vinegar-water mixture, based on the principle that oil and vinegar don't mix. It seems the hazard is that the oil can stick to the back wall of the pan when pouring the mixture out. Has anyone tried and/or have tips to prevent oil on the wall? I was thinking I'd get a paper towel and lay it on top to soak up the grease but not sure if it'll work.
- Heating - It seems that it is unsafe to heat up a nonstick pan without anything in it. How do I safely heat up the pan to the right temperature, without any oil in it? If you put the ingredients you're to cook as it's heating up, doesn't that affect cooking the food?