I am trying to make gravlax (lox).
- Clean off salmon fillet (~200g tail portion)
- Mix 50/50 table salt and sugar
- Coat skin side in salt/sugar mixture, rub in
- Coat non-skin side in dill
- Coat non-skin side in salt/sugar mixture, rub in
- Place in covered container
- Place in fridge for 18-24 hours
After 24 hours, the thin parts are cured, but the skin side of the thick part is still red.
What I have tried
Cutting off the skin - completely effective, but makes it very tough, also all the videos I watched had it cured with the skin on, and those came out fine
Curing for longer - did not seem to have any effect
Rubbing salt/sugar mixture directly on end - this seemed to help a bit right on the end, but it was still red further in
Place weight on top - some videos I watched had the fillet wrapped in cling wrap and smooshed with a weight, but this did not seem to have any effect