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Questions tagged [tuna]

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30 votes
13 answers

Fish and cheese: An unbreakable rule?

I always wondered about this seemingly static rule: Never add cheese (especially, but not limited to parmigiano reggiano) to a dish with fish. Italians would never, ever add parmigiano reggiano ...
Sebastian's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Does canned tuna contain preservatives?

I want to know how the tuna can be kept for so long in a can. Do they use preservatives? Or is it just tuna and water (or oil or brine)?
MOON's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Why would fresh tuna be salted?

I bought a big piece of tuna about a week ago. I carved it up and put most in the freezer. However, as I am the proud owner of a vacuum sealer (as of a week ago), the worst part of the tuna got vacuum ...
BaffledCook's user avatar
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