I want to make a no-churn ice-cream for my wife, it needs to be sugar-free and lactose-free. The recipe I found calls for condensed milk and 35% cream. I can find lactose-free cream in the local supermarkets, but I was not able to find any lactose-free condensed milk (not even online). How can I make lactose-free condensed milk the easiest way?
The recipes I found online would make me boil some sweetened milk for some hours,
- but they can not guarantee that the thickness at the end will be the same as for store-bought condensed milk,
- and I can't really judge when to stop the boiling.
- And I also find boiling the milk for hours too tedious.
So I thought about using lactase enzyme (which I guess is used in the production of lactose-free milk).
- I am not sure about how to dose it?(If there are online resources available, please link them.)
- I've seen this answer while writing this question, but it does not say whether to add the lactase to condensed milk or normal milk, and does not say to which amount of (condensed) milk to add the specified amount of lactase.
(Note: I know the linked recipe uses coffee liqueur, which probably contains sugars + probably the condensed milk he uses also contains sugars. I would replace them with sweetener + flavouring.)
Additional question: would the recipe work without sugar? He says that the ice-crystall formation is slowed down by the condensed milk. Not sure whether this would be the same for lactose-free sugar-free condensed milk and not using alcohol. (According to this answer, it might work, but I might need something else to tie up the water - alcohol is not an option.)