Which ways to stabilize soft nougat do you know? By stabilize I mean making it less sticky and preventing it from creeping. I emphasise, that I don't want to add nut flour into nougat, or make it harder in other ways. I want to preserve soft and sticky qualities inside while making it easier to hold in hands and store.
I tried to cover nougat with some powders:
- Sugar dust. It doesn't work. Sugar is getting soaked into nougat in few hours.
- Cocoa. Good taste (can save if the nougat is too sugary) and relatively not sticky. But doesn't keeps form.
- Starch. Definitely reduces adhesiveness but doesn't taste good.
I also tried waffles - it's ok, but ... strange? And I know that chocolate is good for this purpose, but I don't like chocolate. Please, answer if you know any other ways, like maybe covering nougat with caramel.