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Questions tagged [dulce-de-leche]

Use this tag for all variations on "milk candy", whether made from cow's milk or goat's milk (cajeta). This is known by various names around the world. It is a thick, caramel-like confection made from boiled milk and sugar, though the texture changes depending on the origin. It is particularly popular in Latin America and South America.

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Why is dulce de leche thicker than sweetened condensed milk?

You can make dulce de leche by cooking a can of sweetened condensed milk: Could you explain how the consistency changes to something much more ...
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Can I combine two methods of making Dulce de leche from a can of sweetened condensed milk?

As I gather, there are various methods of making Dulce de leche from a can of sweetened condensed milk. I've actually tried boiling the can for 3-4 hours twice, and the results not entirely to my ...
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