I usually cook a large portion of beans and store them in the fridge.
The problem is that when I reheat them they become mushy and the shell starts to peel off.
I usually reheat them by putting them in a small pot, covering them with water but not too much (the water is barely 1 cm more than the beans).
I turn on the heat and when the water starts boiling I turn it a bit down and let it continue with less boil in the pot for 3 mins.
Am I doing it wrong?

  • 3
    Once the beans are at boiling temperature, what is your objective in continuing to cook them?
    – Sneftel
    Commented Sep 2 at 15:09
  • @Sneftel:I thought I should leave them 2-3 mins but no other objective
    – Jim
    Commented Sep 2 at 18:30

1 Answer 1


You aren't re-heating them, you are cooking them longer, and they are becoming overcooked. If you want to reheat them over the stove use a more gentle heat and keep them on the heat just until they are hot, then take them off. Or, use a microwave.

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