Last year, I had a lot of leftover watermelon from a full-size melon and I pressed it in a strainer to get out the seeds and pulp, but it took forever.
(I then froze the juice in ice trays and stored them in ziploc bags in the freezer - it makes a great margarita in the blender.)
Now that we are getting great local watermelon again, I thought it would be a good use (I've got a huge half a melon taking up space in the fridge)
Are powered juicers any good for this? Would they work with watermelon (obviously cut up with the rind removed) Would I have to remove the seeds manually first?
(I found this ridiculous video of Rener Gracie, BTW:
Apparently, they claim that the $20 Gracie Juice Bag ( is more efficient to use on watermelon than the juicer they sell on the site.