Last december I made my own garlic salt, and since then I have learned that storing homemade garlic stuff has risks of botulism. However, most info I can find is about garlic oil, and I am now unsure if this applies to my garlic salt as well.
Here is how I made it:
I ground some sea salt and garlic together in a food processor, then spread it out on an oven tray and dried it over ~4 hours in the oven at low temp, I think around 65°C. I wedged a wooden spoon into the oven door so the humidity could escape. This process did not completely dry the garlics, it was still quite sticky and with a green-brownish hue.
I then stored it at room temperature in a big preserving jar, which is about head-sized and was filled not even half full. I have read that botulism needs absence of oxygen, does this apply here or not?
By now, the greenish hue has completely turned into brown, indicating the garlic has fully dried. It's also no longer sticky.
I would be interested if you would keep it or throw it out? It would be such a shame, but if it's too risky I'll do it.
PS: I have made this garlic salt before (2 years ago) and have used the last bit of it this week (Hence why I wanted to open the new batch). I remember when making the previous batch, I kept it in the oven for longer until it was more brown/dry than this time.