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Mooo! Questions about this dairy substance need not be limited to cows but should be about the handling of milk as a primary aspect of the question.
Is mixing coffee with milk directly unhealthy?
The study found that adding milk had no effect, but adding creamer affected the maximum concentration of the phenols in blood plasma, and the time it took to achieve that concentration. … , in their diet as well, which would rather suggest that milk is definitely a good thing to have with your coffee! …
"Screaming" noise while steaming milk?
The worst that will happen is your milk will taste a little sour. Just pull the wand out of the milk for a second then put it back in. …
Would using milk powder better than fresh milk when poaching?
Poaching is a gentle process - the milk isn't boiling so there is no risk of it burning or the like. It will of course not spoil in the sense of it going off, that's a totally different process. … Fresh milk is better because, well, it's fresh. Powdered milk would probably work, but if you have fresh, use that. …
What is the effect of soaking minced beef in milk
It is quite common to make meat loaf with milk-soaked cubes of bread, but I've never heard of tenderising meat with it. … I'd try it with full cream milk, not half-and-half.
I think the reason for soaking liver in milk is to make the taste milder, as lamb, pork and cow liver can be quite strong tasting. …
What is macaroni cooked in milk called?
Any food simmered in milk is referred to as creamed e.g. creamed corn. So I guess this would be creamed macaroni. …
Homemade coconut milk separates into different layers after a day in the fridge
All coconut milk separates out. When you buy it tinned, there is often a plug of coconut cream above a pocket of coconut milk. But it certainly should recombine. …
Does "boiling milk" always mean pasteurization, especially in Mongolia?
Most milk is pasteurised by bringing it to between 71 and 74C for 15 to 30 seconds. This is called High Temperature Short Time pasteurisation. … Boiling milk means just that: bringing the milk to its boiling point, which is 100C. …