In many cities in the Venezuelan Andes, there is a traditional beverage with the following preparation:
Put a slice/piece of pineapple about two inches per side in a bottle of milk.
Put the milk with the pineaple in the refrigerator for about 4 hours.
Take the milk, without the pineapple, and shake a little with a spoon to homohenize, then put about 2 oz in a milkshake machine, and shake for about 1 minute puting suggar in the process.
Optionaly put some artifitial flavor in the milkshake machine - I'd recomend coconut artifitial flavor. Also you can put in the milkshake machine with the milk, some small pices of ice cubes, this makes the drink a bit more creamy.
This is usually a companion for Empanadas or Pasteles
What is the name of this beverage? Is a powder or something else that substitutes the pineapple piece and/or the fermentation process?
I googled for something like this with no luck, the closest recipe is the pineapple-coconut milk, but that is not what I'm looking for.