I like a fried egg with all the white cooked, yet all the yolk runny.
I normally do this by separating the yolk and white, and putting the yolk in halfway through.
Anybody know an easier way?
I like a fried egg with all the white cooked, yet all the yolk runny.
I normally do this by separating the yolk and white, and putting the yolk in halfway through.
Anybody know an easier way?
Tips for perfect fried egg:
The end result, if you do it right is the white cooked, the outer yellow cooked but inside runny golden and good. If you do it too short the white will not cook through, too long and you over cook but I have been doing it this way for awhile.
I like my eggs over-medium (cooked white with a TINY bit of brown, runny yolk), and this is the method I've settled on after much trial and error. Everyone has different motivations, but for me, I like this method because it's:
I realize this is a necro post, but just wanted to add this technique to the collective, and I love stack exchange :).
One way to achieve this effect is to fry it in plenty of butter or oil, and baste the top of the white with the hot fat.
there are a few ways to doing this, it depends on the type of fried egg you want. The easiest way by far, is to:
If you want sunny side up eggs,
it'll take about 20 to 30 eggs to master the process, but one you got'er you'll do blind folded
I use a technique from Cooks Illustrated. Add very little oil (1-2 Tspoons), add the egg (preferably egg is at room temperature - ok if it is not), cover and cook at really low temp until the white sets. You might also try swirling the pan (the lid must be on) so that the little oil can cover the top of the white and cook it faster - however you also cook the yolk at the same time. The trick is really low heat, covered pan.
I have a new way - plop the whole egg or eggs in a pan like normal people, wait a bit then use a blowtorch to set that last bit of white which is around the yolk.
The blowtorch approach works great for omelettes too - so I can set the top and flip (if the mood takes me).
I make myself a breakfast of bacon and eggs every Saturday morning. I feel I have perfected my egg cooking, and I will attempt to tell you how to replicate it.
One Cast Iron Skillet, 12 inches diameter
A wooden spatula with a rounded corner on one side
A wide pancake flipper
One Gas Stove (electric is less ideal but do-able)
A package of bacon
Three eggs
A bowl to hold the eggs before cooking
A plate for serving
Put the three eggs in the bowl and cover with warm to hot tap water, let these sit while the bacon cooks.
Put four full slices of bacon in the skillet (or more) and use a wide flame about medium-low to cook them. The fat in the bacon should render down to a golden brown and the grease from it should liquify in the bottom of the pan (hereafter optionally referred to as "oil" though that may not be as precise, it is more descriptive). Carefully remove the bacon and place on the serving plate, attempting to leave as much of the bacon grease in the pan as possible.
(Now's a good time to put bread in a toaster if you have both, not necessary to these directions, but how I prefer to do it. Wait until you're at the last egg to toast it.)
If you leave the oil on a medium-low flame while you do this, it may begin to smoke, and you don't want that, the heat will plasticize the egg whites, so turn it down a bit to almost completely low (remember, stove behavior varies so you'll want to carefully experiment until you learn your stove).
Now, carefully take an egg out of the warm water, dry it, and crack it into the pan. I prefer to firmly grip the egg between the ends and rotate it, knocking it softly against a smooth hard surface until I've fractured it all around its equator. If you're afraid you'll get shell in the pan, you can crack it into a ramekin first so you can inspect it.
When you crack it into the pan, it should smooth out much more quickly than a cold egg normally would, and you also want to puncture the inner whites' membrane with the rounded spatula as soon as you can to further smooth out the whites. When the top of the whites are firm enough to stay in place, tilt the pan slightly, allowing the oil to come to one side of the pan. Holding the pan tilted in place with your non-dominant hand, use your dominant hand to flip the oil onto the yolk with an almost whisking motion. I usually count 60 or so oil flips before the whites on the top of the yolk are congealed, but if the oil cools too much, it may take more.
Use the pancake flipper to carefully remove the finished egg from the pan, and try to drip as much of the oil back into the pan as possible for easier cooking of the remaining eggs.
Repeat the process for the remaining eggs. When you're done, you can filter and store the remaining oil (it will solidify back into a grease when fully cool, so filter it while it's hot) in a jar for future cooking, or if it's relatively clean (no food left in it to spoil), leave it in the pan for another set of eggs tomorrow.
You should now have a plate full of bacon and perfect eggs. Enjoy.