Linked Questions

22 votes
6 answers

Can store bought salmon be used for sashimi?

Is it safe to consume raw fish purchased at the fish counter of a typical suburban grocery store? If not, do you have any tips for finding sushi grade fish. Also, are there requirements for safe sushi/...
Lawrence Barsanti's user avatar
15 votes
8 answers

Is it safe to eat raw fish?

Raw chicken is generally considered not safe to eat. A lot of people eat sushi/sashimi though, and they are made from raw fish. So, how come that's safe (if it is)?
Lars Andren's user avatar
28 votes
3 answers

What parasites are problematic in sous vide?

Obviously, one should use only clean ingredients. However, especially with game and river/lake fish that's rather difficult. What are parasites that should be taken into account in sous vide cooking, ...
Olli's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

How to economically make home-made sushi?

How does one go about purchasing sushi-grade fish without breaking the bank? I know that sushi chefs & restaurants usually buy in bulk. Is there any way to do this individually in a way that is at ...
Jason's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Are grocery store tuna steaks safe if cooked but rare?

We got 2 tuna steaks from a grocery store, and we are pretty sure they they are NOT sushi grade. We cooked them tonight for a bit, and left the middle of the steak pretty rare. How safe is this? I ...
Vincent Buscarello's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Eating raw fish: what are parasite infection risks really: how big?

I make sushi often, and i never use sushi-grade fish...i simply buy fresh fish from the market. I know the requisites of frozen for 20 hours etc., but I know for sure there are many restaurants in ...
Marc Luxen's user avatar
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7 votes
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Sashimi Recommendations?

I've recently been to China, and I've tasted an extraordinary dish I wasn't used to. Later, I've found out that the name is Sashimi, which is made with raw fish (salmon) and wasabi. Now I want to make ...
Tomas's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

How can I prepare freshwater fish without completely cooking it? Can I eat freshwater fish raw?

Besides a complete cooking like frying, baking, BBQ or smoking is there any other way to prepare freshwater fish that would render it safe to eat in a sushi type application?
James's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Fresh salmon that was frozen after: till when can it still be eaten raw

I always buy fresh salmon filet, cut it into pieces and put it in the freezer. I usually take a frozen piece cut it and eat it raw. My question is: for how long can a frozen salmon filet (frozen ...
ccot's user avatar
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1 vote
0 answers

How can I tell if the Salmon I buy is safe to eat raw? [duplicate]

If I buy a piece of cold Salmon in a supermarket, and it doesn't say anything about being "Sashimi-grade" or having been deep-frozen at X degrees for Y time - how can I know whether it's safe to eat ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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