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8 votes
2 answers

Canned cheddar kept for many years - does it get better and for how long?

Cougar Gold is a cheese made in Washington and is unique in that it is canned. Because of the canning, it lasts indefinitely if refrigerated until opened. I understand that cheese can become more ...
USER_8675309's user avatar
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How can I store Brie for a long period?

There's a semi-local creamery that makes the loveliest Brie I've ever had. It's priced quite reasonably but the shipping costs more than the cheese itself, so it's a little impractical. I bought three ...
Sarah's user avatar
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2 answers

(How) can I keep cheddar in a car in summer for 2 weeks

Is there a way I could prepare and store some cheddar cheese such that it would stay edible while being stored in a car in summer for about 12 days. I am going on a road trip, and I am trying to ...
Scorb's user avatar
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How long will a wheel of cheese keep? [duplicate]

I am planning to go up to Vermont this spring to visit Jasper Hill Farms and Shelburne Farms to buy a wheel of cheese each from their cheddar houses. Once I cut into the wheel, how long before it goes ...
Drisheen Colcannon's user avatar
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1 answer

Mold is growing on my cheese, what is common practice? [duplicate]

I love cheese and I am always buying and trying new types. Because of this, my cheese stash starts to grow faster than I can eat all of it. Sometimes mold starts to grow around the outside before I ...
Chef_Code's user avatar
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3 answers

best way to preserve ricotta?

I buy ricotta in large quantities (1kg) and I'm always throwing it out when it gets yellowish on the top border, and I'm pretty sure that yellow stuff is toxic. Since I always eat ricotta with lots ...
gcb's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Should cheese be frozen?

I just put a piece of parmesan cheese into the freezer part of a fridge. Is this practice good or bad? I did this because when I bought the cheese, I could not back to home immediately and the cheese ...
lamwaiman1988's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

How long can a bottle of self-made basil sauce last without rotting?

I made a bottle of basil sauce by myself last year summer. It composed of basil leave, extra virgin olive oil, pine nuts, garlic and parmesan cheese. It was kept in a glass bottle in the refrigerator,...
lamwaiman1988's user avatar