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17 votes
2 answers

Does the volume of air in an air tight container affect food shelf life?

I'm specifically talking about storing tea bags here, but equally any other dried foods. I'm trying to switch to buying certain things in bulk, so I'm trying to understand some basic principles. I ...
Roger Balfour's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Packaging/Bottling and Uncooked Hot Sauce

Forgive me for the post being long! I make a buffalo sauce/marinade that all my friends and family rave about. I’d love to be able to give some to them to keep in the pantry, especially the ones that ...
Cali's user avatar
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1 vote
4 answers

With few items, it easier/safer to use the fridge for everything, are there trade offs?

I don't keep much food in the house, and generally use the fridge as a general purpose store for all kinds of food, as a way to slow down chemical reactions and lifeform growth alike, as well as ...
alan2here's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Canning Tomatoes: When are they too blemished and why does it matter?

In every canning recipe I have seen, the recipe calls for unblemished tomatoes, but this has never been explained further. The sources of these recipes has been on various internet sites (the kind ...
WesH's user avatar
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0 votes
0 answers

Shelf Life of Gochujang [duplicate]

I made Korean Gochujang with the following ingredients: Fermented White Miso Paste, Gochugaru (Fine powdered chili flakes), Sugar, Water, Salt and Vinegar. I cooked all ingredients except for the salt ...
onad's user avatar
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1 answer

Why don't I have to refrigerate store-bought baby food but have to refrigerate home-made purees?

If I make an apple (or fruit) puree at home, the internet says I have to refrigerate it and then only have a couple of days to feed it to my child. But I can go buy a jar of Gerber baby puree off the ...
E-man's user avatar
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3 answers

How can I make my sauces shelf stable, other than adding acid into it since my recipe doesn't include much of it?

I would like to be able to can and sell my own sauces (brown gravy sauce, chile paste sauce). There isn't much acid in the recipe of the chile paste, and Mason Jar for pressure canning is cost ...
Pandastew's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Can opened cooking cream in frozen state go bad?

I opened this cooking cream 2 months ago and it stayed in the refrigerator in an almost fully frozen state (right under the cold air blowing fan). It also has lost its flavour (not bitter, doesn't ...
TheLostInUnknown's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

In what ways can solid egg yolk from a boiled egg be processed/preserved?

There is a lot of wastage of egg yolks in my college canteen breakfasts. Almost everyone who takes boiled eggs on his plates eats the whites and throws away the yolk. I live in a country with the ...
Rohit's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Potato chips lose crunch and taste within a week

We make potato chips commercially, but they lose crunch and taste within 7 days. How can one delay or prevent potato chips from losing their crunchiness and taste?
khuram's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Why does storing bread in a plastic (grocery) bag keep it fresh longer?

I accidentally stumbled upon this 'trick' a week ago when I forgot about a baguette that I bought for a party and never used. It was half-covered (loosely) by a plastic grocery bag. When I took it out ...
Chris Cirefice's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How was Chinese Master Stock stored in olden days before refrigeration

I've heard that some Chinese Master stocks are 100 years old. If so, how did they store their master stock before the refrigerator was invented?
user3980196's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

When is the expiry date? [closed]

Honest to god, I tried so hard to identify it. I do see JAN 17 but I'm not sure if its January of 2017 or January the 17th. Plus I see 00:42 there but I'm not sure what it means, but I have a feeling ...
user3412975's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Why does food spoil in the freezer?

Many recipes suggest storing perishable food, such as left-over chicken stock, in the freezer for up to 2-3 months. Why could one not store it frozen for longer, surely bacteria and mould cannot grow ...
ScarletPumpernickel's user avatar
1 vote
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Cure #1 in Brine for Brisket

I'm trying for the first time to cure a second cut brisket (1.8 lbs.) to make pastrami (after curing the meat I will smoke it and then steam it). I followed a recipe from the Stanley Marianski book ...
Avi M.'s user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How much citric acid should I use to preserve mayonnaise on a cups/ml ratio?

I was thinking of making mayo for sandwiches to get me through the winter and was wondering if I could make fairly large batches that would keep for a long period of time with the aid food grade ...
elias altenberg's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What can I add to Splenda solution to prevent spoilage?

Trying to save some money on buying Splenda packets by buying sucralose powder and mixing with water. This works great and is waaaay cheaper - 10x cheaper than buying the packets! However, after two ...
Greg Sherman's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Which foods are certain to never cause food poisoning?

After a nasty bout of food poisoning lasting nearly 5 days (rare I know) my trust levels and appetite for certain foods have dropped considerably however my inquisitiveness kicked in... ...from a ...
Venture2099's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

When do you hear the Ping sound of the lid sealing?

I am new to canning. I made applesauce this morning and I pulled them out of the water bath and put them on a towel on my counter to seal, but I never heard the "ping" sound of them sealing shut. When ...
Lindsay's user avatar
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1 answer

How does irradiated beef spoil?

So I usually buy irradiated beef. From what I understand, the beef is packaged, sealed, and the absolutely blasted with radiation. I'm a nuclear engineer for a living, so I know that most things ...
wnnmaw's user avatar
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19 votes
2 answers

Why don't dry bread crumbs spoil, when bread does?

Why don't store-bought bread crumbs spoil? Can you make your own bread crumbs and save them for later use? Will homemade breadcrumbs mold?
brooke's user avatar
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