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Tony Arra's user avatar
Tony Arra's user avatar
Tony Arra
  • Member for 10 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
9 votes

Garlic Overflow — Why won't my olive oil stay in its jug?

7 votes

History of eating not fully cooked meat

5 votes

When buying blue potatoes how can you tell what color the flesh will be?

3 votes

Does dry pasta need washing?

2 votes

Tofu - Cooking technique for firm/chewy edges?

2 votes

Why does caffeine taste bitter when added to tea?

1 vote

how to peel a pomegranate efficiently?

1 vote

How to put the bacon IN the burger?

1 vote

Unit price of olive oil: volume versus weight

1 vote

Why did my flank steak turn grey when I brined it?

1 vote

White wine substitute in potato leek soup

1 vote

What parasites are problematic in sous vide?

0 votes

Can I use raw sugar to make cookies instead of granulated?

0 votes

What can make a gluten free sponge light and fluffy?

-1 votes

Substitute for rooster