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Questions tagged [caffeine]

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How much caffeine is in matcha powder?

I would like to know how many milligrams of caffeine are there in a gram of dried matcha powder.
Martin Drozdik's user avatar
2 votes
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Tea that lingers is more bitter, does it also contain more caffeine? [duplicate]

For convenience, I tend to brew tea in a French press. Just drop a bunch of tea leaves, add hot water, let the leaves dance in the water for a little while, and then push the press down and serve (I ...
FZS's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Does steeping the same amount of tea in different volumes of water lead to the same or more caffeine? [duplicate]

If I were to steep the same amount of tea in two vessels of hot water: one 12oz cup and one 24oz carafe, would the 24oz carafe have more caffeine or the same amount? Assume steeping is the same amount ...
Chris Matta's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Why do industrial drinks mark caffeine as a flavoring?

The ingredients list is sometimes written "Flavors: ... Caffeine" (Arômes: ... Caféine) on official Coca-Cola cans and home-brand cola bottles here in France. Why is caffeine marked as an aroma ...
bandybabboon's user avatar
0 votes
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Why can't chocolate be made caffeine free?

I recently read this article which suggests that it's impossible to make caffeine free chocolate. Why would this be the case? If we can make caffeine free teas and coffees why can't we strip the ...
Dugan 's user avatar
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27 votes
2 answers

How much caffeine would there be if I reuse tea leaves in a second brewing?

If you look for information about the amount of caffeine present in a cup of tea, the amounts vary depending on the kind of tea, if the tea is bagged or loose leaves, the brand, and other factors. ...
Charlie's user avatar
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How do I prepare (any) coffee with desired caffeine concentration?

I’m an student from Tampere, Finland, and I’m doing an essay on the effects of coffee (caffeine). However, how to determine the caffeine content in each serving of coffee is unclear. How do I prepare ...
Francisco V.'s user avatar
3 votes
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What is a reliable source for the caffeine content in tea?

If you do a quick google search for "Tea caffeine content" you may get varied results anywhere from 20mg up to 45 for black tea. I wonder: Where do all these numbers come from? Are they estimations? ...
Bar Akiva's user avatar
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What's a microscoop?

I've bought pure caffeine powder and its serving size is said to be a microscoop, but no measure of weight is given. So what's/what size is a microscoop? "Microscoops" can be found from the internet,...
mavavilj's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

How much EGCG and caffeine can specific amount of water absorb from tea leaves?

For example; 1) 100mL water + 4 tablespoons of green tea leaves 2) 100mL water + 12 tablespoons of green tea leaves Will the second one result with higher EGCG and caffeine content? Or is there a ...
Leloux's user avatar
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English Breakfast vs Ceylon tea

Which tea is stronger, i.e. gives a better puch for a wake up? I know that English Breakfast is a mix which among others includes Ceylon, and I read that Ceylon is a very strong black tea (the ...
noncom's user avatar
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Why would coffee cause stomach cramps? Are there alternatives to Caffeine? [closed]

As a student, I am (I was) caffeine-dependant. But whenever I drink coffee I get stomach cramps. Is there a biological/biochemical explanation for this? Why would caffeinated coffee have this effect ...
Tofuw's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Is Pickwick green tea deceffeinated?

I am referring to this brand: The box doesn't say anything. I drank several and while I felt weird, my pulse was normal. I can'...
ulak blade's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Caffeine pills don't dissolve in hot tea

I'm drinking Rooibos Vanilla Tea and I like to dissolve an 80 mg caffeine pill in it. I hand press the pills myself from pure caffeine powder. However, the pill doesn't dissolve very well in the tea. ...
bytecode77's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Why does caffeine taste bitter when added to tea?

Black tea contains about 40 mg of caffeine. When adding 80 mg of caffeine powder, the tea tastes bitter. Why doesn't caffeine that is already in the tea or in an energy drink taste bitter and how ...
bytecode77's user avatar
-5 votes
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Amount of caffeine per bean of Starbucks bagged coffee (big secret I guess) [closed]

What is the amount of caffeine in one single coffee bean, and how much of that caffeine actually drips through when brewed with a regular coffee machine? Say Starbucks House Blend for example, (the ...
night-spark's user avatar
7 votes
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What method of coffee preparation gives the most caffeine in the finished cup?

As the question asks, which method from the list below will give the most caffeine in the final product (ie. a cup of coffee). Assume the same beans with the same grind (while the different ...
NBenatar's user avatar
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Multiple tea infusions and caffeine concentration

I have read conflicting things about the volatility and solubility of caffeine, and at what point during the tea brewing process caffeine is released. When tea is used for multiple infusions, such as ...
Anthm's user avatar
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All else held equal, does a pot of tea have more total caffeine than a mug?

Let's say you have one tea bag and can either brew it in a mug of boiling water, or a larger tea kettle of boiling water. The temperature, steeping time, type of tea bag, etc. are held constant. ...
Milo P's user avatar
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17 votes
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Does black tea have the highest level of caffeine? If so, why?

It's said that tea, in general, has lower levels of caffeine than coffee, and that black tea has more caffeine than green tea (which has more caffeine than white tea). This suggests that the higher ...
citizen's user avatar
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Is there any caffeine in kuding tea?

Does anyone know if the bitter kuding tea (苦丁茶) contain caffeine?
MikeW's user avatar
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5 answers

Why does instant coffee have less caffeine?

I had gone completely cold-turkey on caffeine for a while due to anxiety issues, and I'm slowly reintroducing caffeine to my diet. I have read in many places that freeze-dried instant coffee has less ...
fluffy's user avatar
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Are there visual differences between regular and decaf coffee?

I once asked a waiter at a restaurant how he managed not to mix up cups of regular and decaf coffee when bringing them to various tables. He replied that he could tell by looking at the bubbles – in ...
daGUY's user avatar
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1 answer

How do they get caffeine out in decaffeinated coffee?

Coffee beans naturally contain caffeine. At the store or in a restaurant, you can choose "decaffeinated coffee". Is really all the caffeine gone or is there just a smaller amount? How do they remove ...
Mien's user avatar
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Difference in caffeine levels between light and bold coffee?

Over the last few years I had come to believe that the roasting process for bold coffees removed caffeine from the beans resulting in a lower caffeine content than compared to a light roasted coffee. ...
JSuar's user avatar
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Which Type of Japanese Green Tea Has the Highest Amount of Caffeine?

I am trying to find the best pick-me-up Japanese green tea and was wondering which type was the best to get from the assortment of Sencha, Gyokuro, Kabusecha, Bancha, etc.
Omer van Kloeten's user avatar
13 votes
12 answers

Does brewing tea for longer result in higher caffeine content?

The ISO standard for brewing tea says "6 minutes". Of course different teas have vastly different properties, but... For "average commodity black tea" and "average commodity green tea", will leaving ...
themirror's user avatar
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11 votes
8 answers

Bagged or Loose Leaf Tea

What are the practical differences between using bagged vs. loose leaf tea? Are there differences in quality, caffeine content, etc.? Why?
ClaudeShannon 's user avatar
15 votes
9 answers

How can I maximize the caffeine content of my coffee?

Like many people, I rely on coffee in the morning to really get me going for the day. I always use more than the directions require to get more caffeine for that extra morning jolt. How much ground ...
Frank Pierce's user avatar
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3 answers

Similar flavors to caffeine?

My wife and I enjoy drip coffee, french pressed coffee, espresso, black tea, green tea, and just about anything caffeinated. However, my wife wants to avoid caffeine due to its physiological effects. ...
mskfisher's user avatar
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21 votes
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How can you measure the caffeine content of a liquid at home?

I saw a question on here about cold brew vs hot brew caffeine content and was wondering what is the easiest (or best) way to measure this at home (if possible)
bound008's user avatar
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20 answers

Caffeine content of cold-brewed coffee: higher or lower than hot-brewed?

I recently rediscovered the joys of cold-brewing coffee. (One level cup of rough-ground beans, 4-1/2 cups of cold water, steeped overnight and strained, produces a rich coffee concentrate. A shot or ...
goblinbox's user avatar
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