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2 answers

Does it make sense to mature a yeast dough made from gluten-free flour?

Usually, when I make the dough for bread or pizza I let it mature in the fridge overnight. I bought a gluten-free flour for a friend consisting of: gluten-free wheat starch cornstarch dextrose ...
Mark's user avatar
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Is it beneficial to rest a quick bread batter w/o leavening agent? ex. banana bread

I saw a post in 2008 about resting banana bread batter, where they were discussing about resting batter. I understand that this would exhaust the leavening agent. (i.e. baking powder/soda) I only have ...
Alex N's user avatar
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Can baking powder be replaced with baking soda and cream of tartar? [duplicate]

As far as I understand, baking powder is basically just baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) combined with an acid. Also as far as I understand, cream of tartar is a common acid in baking powder - and ...
just-a-hriday's user avatar
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What is the point of a "Friendship Bread" starter?

Recently I started a "Starter" for Friendship Bread with some active (non wild) yeast. I thought it would be a good way to keep an active culture of yeast around in general and get some nice ...
QueueHammer's user avatar
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Getting well domed muffins [duplicate]

Seems to be conflicting info on achieving well domed muffin tops. None seem to offer science based references. These two are good examples of conflicting advice. Higher temp seems to be all that is ...
Pat Sommer's user avatar
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Making bread using potassium bicarbonate [closed]

I am thinking about making bread using potassium bicarbonate instead of yeast. Can I use potassium bicarbonate as a substitute for yeast? Would I just use a regular yeast bread recipe? Or can I use it ...
Chris's user avatar
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When marbling cake, can density of chocolate cake impact the rising of the vanilla cake?

I have specific bakers who I really love their recipes for different kinds of cake - for example Stella Parks. Because she doesn't have a recipe for a marble cake, I'm trying to decide whether I'll be ...
Catija's user avatar
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Best time to benefit from dough mixed with baking soda

I am preparing a dough with all purpose flour, salt, sugar, oil, curd, lemon juice and baking soda. I am not using baking powder. Within how much time should I complete my baking to reap maximum ...
soumyadip_poddar's user avatar
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Using both whipped egg whites and egg yolks vs whipped egg whites only?

Would you get more leavening if you used both whipped egg whites and egg yolks and folded them into a batter (pancake batter,for example)compared to using whipped egg whites only, and would it make a ...
CrackerJacked's user avatar
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What is the purpose of adding baking powder to a recipe that contains yeast?

Example, this recipe: In addition to yeast it calls for a small amount of baking ...
the real deal's user avatar
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Can I use the stovetop while a dough is leavening in the oven?

I usually use my (turned off) oven as a safe place for leavening doughs for hours. I always get amazing results and never had any issue with that. But... what if I need to use the stovetop? Will the ...
dolma33's user avatar
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Can yeast leaven cornmeal? [duplicate]

Can yeast leaven cornmeal? If not, why? The lack of gluten?
Geremia's user avatar
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3 answers

Baking after the first rise (without punching down) vs the regular two rise approach?

Yeasted dough is usually given a second rise because after the first rise it's shaped, which knocks the air out of it and so it needs time to be leavened again. But what if you shaped the dough ...
CrackerJacked's user avatar
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Soda and yeast both in pretzels

Usually I think of leavening as either yeast or chemical (baking soda / baking powder). On these sourdough pretzels yeast and soda are both listed. Why would a baked product need both leavening ...
Willk's user avatar
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I am making an apple crisp and need to know how much salt I need for 4 tsps baking powder

I am making an apple crisp for my husband's restaurant. I'm using a recipe that I did not create. Recipe calls for 4 tsps baking powder, but there's no measurement for the salt! I know it needs salt ...
Robin Juarez's user avatar
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GIving that alcoholic taste to yeast-leavened cakes (panettones)

For the last 3 new year evenings I've tried to make panettones (both chocolate and fruit ones) and my recipe is getting better, with the last one being the first reasonably successful one. However I ...
Pedro V. G.'s user avatar
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Properties of potassium carbonate as leavening agent

We have a gingerbread recipe calling for potassium carbonate (vulgo baking potash). One year I replaced the baking potash with baking soda 1:1. It worked fine. Later I researched what the supposed ...
0xC0000022L's user avatar
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What would happen if I made angel food cake with whipped cream instead of whipped egg whites?

I know that whipped cream also has air incorporated into it, so it can actually be used as a leavening agent. But compared to whipped egg whites, is the leavening power more or less (or maybe even the ...
CrackerJacked's user avatar
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Can you inject carbon dioxide/nitrogen into a dough/batter to provide leavening? Or use dry ice/liquid nitrogen?

Can you use carbon dioxide/nitrogen directly to provide leavening? It's known that vegetable shortening is actually pumped with nitrogen bubbles to aerate it, so maybe there's a way you could use them ...
CrackerJacked's user avatar
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Is it possible to cream clarified butter with sugar? Will it have the same benefits as shortening and oil?

Is it really possible to cream clarified butter? And considering that clarified butter is 100% fat, am I correct in assuming you'd get the taste of butter and also the leavening benefits of shortening ...
CrackerJacked's user avatar
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Beating egg whites over a double boiler for increased leavening?

I know that whole eggs and egg yolks whip up greater and have more air when beaten with heat, but does the same hold true for egg whites? Would it be beneficial to whip them over a double boiler or ...
CrackerJacked's user avatar
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Is there a difference in the end result between using mechanical leaveners vs chemical leaveners in a cake?

Are they interchangeable? E.g. could you replace whipped egg whites in an angel food cake with enough baking powder/soda and end up with similar results? Or in a butter cake, replace the creamed ...
CrackerJacked's user avatar
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Turning focaccia upside down before topping

In this video (you don't need to understand Italian ;) this lady lets a focaccia leaven in its own baking tin on a layer of olive oil and then, before topping, turns it upside down. The tins were ...
David P's user avatar
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What would be the best order for folding whipped egg whites and yolks into cookie dough?

What would be the best order to mix them in without deflating the batter/dough(along with flour, baking powder and soda)? Should I add the dry ingredients to the creamed butter and sugar and then add ...
CrackerJacked's user avatar
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no-knead pizza. When is it supposed to raise? which flour is the best?

I tried a "bonci style" roman pizza. I followed a recipe that is basically a no knead 24hrs pizza "in a baking dish", in the sense that is not cooked in a brick oven but in a home oven. The directions ...
David P's user avatar
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How to achieve a super leavened cake as the Pierre Herme ones?

I made several cakes in my life. I know the difference between different leavening agents. I know that low temperature tends to make flatter cakes, but I never could get this kind of shape. If I use a ...
NArgento's user avatar
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Can I substitute a biga or poolish in recipes that call for a sourdough starter?

Can I substitute a biga or poolish in recipes that call for a sourdough starter? If so, what should I take into account? Will the resulting dough require a shorter leavening time? If not, why? I ...'s user avatar
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7 answers

Why did flatbread dominate the Middle East but Europe adopted raised breads?

This may be a history question so please move it if appropriate. Culturally, local ingredients dominate cooking recipes and national dishes (e.g., soy in SE Asia), but why do Europeans add a raising ...
Venture2099's user avatar
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Is both creaming and chemical leavening needed?

Most cakes call for both physical fluffing which is accomplished by creaming the fats and sugars together, as well as chemical leaveners (baking powder or such). Is this needed. Why can't I just use ...
mroll's user avatar
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Why use baking powder instead of yeast?

I am asking the converse of the question "Why use yeast instead of baking powder?" For example, can banana bread be made with yeast instead of baking powder? It seems it would rise better, but ...
Geremia's user avatar
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Baker's Ammonia with yeast—good idea?

I recently made a moderately successful gluten free loaf of bread from a recipe for Japanese Milk Bread from the book Gluten Free on a Shoestring Bakes Bread. Respecting the author's trade secrets, I ...
triskit's user avatar
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Too much leavener in self-rasing flour?

I made scones with this recipe today: And I followed it very thoroughly (weighing all the ingredients in grams, etc). They came out looking great with a ...
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Pizza without yeast

I was wondering if it is possible to make a good pizza dough without yeast. The only other things I can think of for leavening are baking soda, baking powder, and eggs, all of which are in most dough ...
Caters's user avatar
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Chemistry of different brands of baking powder

The Clabber Girl FAQs say: Rumford Baking Powder's reaction is approximately 70% with moisture (or in the bowl) and the rest when heat is applied. Clabber Girl's reaction is approximately 40% with ...
Ozob's user avatar
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Can I use lye as a leavener instead of baking soda?

I'm interested to try to make waffles using a concentrated lye water instead of baking soda as a leavening agent. I have three questions related to this subject: Would this potentially make my ...
Steve Midgley's user avatar
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Bread: Higher rise/coarser crumb [duplicate]

I tend to make a starter for my bread, typically a poolish. Sometimes I make ciabatta without a starter. I tend to see the same results either way. I give the starter 10-12 hours, then rise the dough ...
tsturzl's user avatar
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How long can batter sit before chemical leaveners lose their power?

Background: I can not fit 2 - 12 muffin tins in my oven in a manner that will result in 24 nicely baked muffins or cupcakes. I am using everyday muffin or cupcake recipes that use baking powder and or ...
Debbie M.'s user avatar
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How to bake with self raising flour?

Is it possible to use self raising flour instead of all purpose and letting it raise with yeast? Also, is it necessary to add baking soda to self raising flour?
Lschk's user avatar
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Is it possible to make souffles that rise without beating egg whites?

TLDR: Is it possible to make a souffle that doesn't have beaten egg-whites, but still rises? Leaveners don't seem to work. Longer version: I've never eaten "real" souffles (at a restaurant). I tried ...
ashes999's user avatar
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If I can't find baking soda or baking powder, what should I do?

Suppose I'm somewhere where stores don't seem to stock baking soda or baking powder. Are there other names either of those might be sold under? Or are there things I could substitute? Related: How ...
Cascabel's user avatar
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Rule of the thumb for judging the leavening?

I have done a focaccia and a small piece of dough to see if I can make bread with the same recipe I'm using for the focaccia . Both dough have almost doubled in size in about 9 hours, and I have used ...
user2485710's user avatar
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Rolling out after or before the leavening process?

Assuming that you want to create home made pizza and bread, it's better to create the final shape when you create your dough or after the leavening ? I think that part of the problem is the fact that ...
user2485710's user avatar
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Does acidity negate double-acting baking powder?

As described here, most common baking powders contain two acids, one that reacts to moisture, and one that mostly reacts when heated. Does that mean that if my dough is already acidic (and has no ...
Hinrik's user avatar
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Having trouble getting gluten free bread to rise

I am new to gluten free baking and I am having much trouble getting my breads to rise. I have tried several recipes, with no luck. Can anybody give me some fool proof suggestions? I am desperate. ...
Terri's user avatar
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Can I use my dehydrator to raise bread?

I bought a dehydrator about a year ago and the product manual says that a dehydrator is great for leavening bread. I have tried this a number of times with (seemingly) good results, but I am unsure if ...
Michael's user avatar
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Why doesn't my quick bread rise properly when substituting splenda for sugar?

I used Splenda in one of my favorite quchinni (squash) recipes and it did not rise at all. It is about 3 inches thick and is heavy as the batter was thick. Why did this happen, and is there any way ...
Becky Drop's user avatar
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How does replacing some butter with shortening affect rising / leavening in cookies (biscuits)?

I have been replacing half (half a cup) of the butter called for by some cookie recipes with half a cup of shortening and have noticed that some of these cookies rise less than I expect. Is there ...
KatieK's user avatar
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