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7 votes
2 answers

Why are my salt cured egg yolks still wet?

I've been trying to cure egg yolks in salt. They've been in it for 2 weeks now, but they are still too wet. At this stage they look more like a very thick paste than something I could actually grate ...
Gabriel C's user avatar
  • 173
8 votes
1 answer

Some duck egg yolks orange while others are yellow: does that reflect the egg quality?

I have noticed that some duck egg yolks orange while others are yellow. Does that reflect the egg quality? E.g. will dishes made with a dark yolk taste better than the ones with light yolk, or vice ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

How can I thicken egg yolks for a sauce? [closed]

I'm thinking about making a sauce for burgers. Requirements are the following: Tastes of concentrated egg yolk - for me perfection is the taste of yolk in a fried egg For seasoning salt and pepper ...
emteka's user avatar
  • 151
1 vote
1 answer

What relationship exists between a rooster and broken egg yolks?

I regularly purchase fresh chicken eggs from a small farm located inside Richmond, Virginia city limits, about three miles from the outdoor market where they are sold. These farmers are diligent and ...
Jacob Wegelin's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

Eggs whites on top and side of yolk

When I make a sunny side egg, I notice that the yolk can be sunny side up and ready to eat, yet sometimes there is what seems to be a "ring" of egg white around the perimeter of the yolk and ...
Arn's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

Why do I need to use the oven to make crème brûlée? Or do I?

I really don't get it. Yolk must coagulate at 83 °C (181 °F), so why doesn't any recipe tell to simply put it into a water bath on a stove? Or are there any such recipes? My intuition tells me to ...
Karol's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Effect of adding whole egg or yolk to filo pastry?

I had some success making filo pastry for apple strudel with a mixture consisting of flour, olive oil, lemon juice and white vinegar. The result was actually quite nice except the pastry was very ...
user8369515's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Egg yolk substitute for whole eggs in strata

Can I use egg yolks for all or part of whole eggs in strata?
Kathy Murphy Swetzoff's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Can I substitute just yolks in a recipe that calls for a whole egg?

I have a cookie recipe that only needs one whole egg. Since I have lots of yolks from other baking, can I use 1 yolk with something else (like a Tbsp. of water) or can I use 2 egg yolks?
Barbara's user avatar
  • 41
0 votes
1 answer

What would happen if I add an extra egg yolk to some cookie dough?

I'm making a batch of candied pecans which require the egg white from a single egg, well that leaves me with an extra yolk. I'm going to make some pecan sandie type cookies, and was wondering what ...
Samantha Johnson's user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

Cheese sauce without flour?

I wish to make mac & cheese using real cheddar (not processed cheese). I am familiar with the usual process of making a base out of butter, milk and flour and then mixing the grated cheese in to ...
eliba's user avatar
  • 83
4 votes
1 answer

Why are egg yolks beaten in a bowl above a pot of hot water?

Why would you beat egg yolks in a bowl above a pot full of hot water? I've seen this technique used in recipes on YouTube. Sometimes they add sugar. Does the heat help increase the volume or is it ...
Michael_Ben_David's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What is the difference between using only yolks and whole eggs in a curd?

So, i've been searching for an explination of why some curds use only yolks and others the whole egg while making a curd (for example a Lemon Curd). How can i exchange them ? How does it thickens ...
Karl's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Egg YOLK replacement?

I am making an old family recipe for Easter Bread, but I would like to make a vegan version of it for a friend. The non vegan ingredients that the recipe calls for are: milk (substituting with ...
Matea's user avatar
  • 39
1 vote
1 answer

Raw vs Cooked Egg Yolk Color

Why do egg yolks change color from orange or dark yellow to yellow or light yellow when cooked, esp. hard boiled?
Bill Wolff's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

What are the differences between egg whites and egg yolks? [closed]

Egg whites are obviously different from egg yolks in that the former are, well, white when cooked, while the latter are yellow. But, what other differences are there? Some possibilities: Nutrition ...
Daniel Griscom's user avatar
36 votes
4 answers

Why does this entire carton of eggs have 2 yolks each?

I got chills this morning making breakfast as I cracked open 6 eggs in a row, all having 2 yolks each. I've read this is caused by an anomaly that is considered normal in an egg here and there. I ...
Nick Charney Kaye's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Why does peanut butter become very hard when adding egg yolk?

I'm making some peanut butter meringue-type cookies and I noticed that when I mix the egg yolk into the peanut butter, the mixture immediately becomes very hard and stiff. Based on the speed, I'm ...
user54378's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

What do you call eggs prepared with a broken yolk, in a skillet, with no char?

What do you call eggs prepared with a broken yolk, in a skillet, with no char? I crack 2 eggs into a saute skillet & break both yolks, cover with a lid & wait a couple minutes with medium heat,...
David's user avatar
  • 31
3 votes
1 answer

Are egg yolks neccessary for proper pancake structure in flourless pancakes?

I have read many great things about the surfacing two-ingredient egg/banana pancake recipes... However, I am a fitness nut and don't want to overdo it on the cholesterol, which is found in the yolk. ...
Max's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to substitute butter with egg yolks in cookie dough?

I would like to know if it is possible to completely replace butter/margarine with egg yolks in cookie dough? Or in any other kind of butter-based dough while we are at it. And, if it is possible to ...
Enivid's user avatar
  • 585
2 votes
4 answers

What can I do with some whipped cream and egg yolk mix?

I had a bit of a cooking disaster last night, where I was trying to make a tiramisu using a recipe I'd never used before. The recipe called for mixing marscapone and egg yolks, but I was using ...
dwjohnston's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Japanese steak house menu item?

A few years ago in Chicago I had a dish called egg yolk shrimp at a Japanese steak house. Has anyone else had this dish? Where would I be able to find this dish again?
user3085081's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Can you replace whole eggs with only egg whites when baking pumpkin pie?

I am going to be baking a pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving but me as well as several family members are currently losing weight together... I'm already replacing the sugar with stevia to dramatically drop ...
Tamara's user avatar
  • 21
6 votes
6 answers

When carefully separating eggs, what to do with the chalazae?

I separate eggs with my hands, I'm pretty good at whites going one place and yolks going another. What's got me stumped is the chord. It seems to want to stay with the yolk, but it tends to hold on to ...
Jolenealaska's user avatar
  • 58.7k
9 votes
3 answers

What do eggs with two yolks indicate?

For the first time I have seen hen eggs with two yolks. Do they indicate a special kind of hen? OR A special kind of grain fed to the hen? OR Some scientific procedure which makes hens produce such ...
Aquarius_Girl's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Does tiramisu firm up in the fridge?

I am making my first tiramisu, using this recipe from Gourmet (with high ratings on Epicurious). My mascarpone mixture looks terribly soft to me. As per recipe, I foamed 4 yolks with 80 ml sherry (I ...
rumtscho's user avatar
  • 141k
11 votes
6 answers

How to make mayonnaise with a cooked yolk?

I have heard of mayonnaise made with cooked yolks before, but was suspicious of it. Now a user posted another question with a link to a recipe which shows the making steps. It shows the making a ...
rumtscho's user avatar
  • 141k