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Can I vacuum seal my homemade bone broth in a Ball jar?

It appears you can purchase bone broth in cardboard containers that have a shelf-stable life for three or more months. If this is because of the absence of air in the container, for those broths that ...
Lynn's user avatar
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17 votes
2 answers

Does the volume of air in an air tight container affect food shelf life?

I'm specifically talking about storing tea bags here, but equally any other dried foods. I'm trying to switch to buying certain things in bulk, so I'm trying to understand some basic principles. I ...
Roger Balfour's user avatar
0 votes
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Is there a way to extract & store garlic oil, without being infused with any other oil, such as olive? [duplicate]

Have attempted to find ways to extract & preserve straight garlic oil. Only info I have found, have "added" oils, such as olive. I just want to know if it is safe to extract the oil from ...
NStark's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

When to add preservative to hot sauce?

So I am currently trying on a recipe of homemade hot sauce, but I plan on adding either sodium benzoate or potassium sorbate as the preservative. I have figured out how much I would try using, but I ...
Ellise's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

Is it advisable to cook cilantro or mint leaves and store them, instead of blanching them?

The problem: The grocer only agrees to give a large bunch of cilantro (coriander) or mint leaves, and I need it to last a month or more, because I don't use the herbs as frequently. What I've tried ...
Nav's user avatar
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2 answers

Best lid for glass jar of chutney in apple vinegar for long term storage?

I intend to make a lot of chutney with raw garlic, herbs, green small hot peppers, salt, pepper, turmeric, all in apple vinegar. I want to store this chutney out of the fridge, in glass jars, for a ...
Sepideh's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Best way to preserve guanciale (or other cured meats) in the fridge

I have a 1.2 KG piece of guanciale currently still vacuum sealed. It will take a few months to eat so, once opened, what should it be wrapped it in to maximize it's lifespan in the fridge? Are the ...
mattst's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

How to maximize shelf-life of freeze-dried food beyond 25 years? How far can this be exceeded?

Many manufacturers will sell and advertise emergency preparedness food packs to still taste "great" 25-30 years into the future (or at least maintain a consistent taste over this period). ...
Anon21's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Orange juice preservation by chemical presevatives

How much Sodium Benzoate should I add to preserve 200ml of Orange juice?
Meherin's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Re-canning Ghee that was not strained well

I made Ghee and pressure canned it for long term storage. After it hardened, I noticed quite a lot of brown bits in it; I didn't strain it well. Can I re-melt the Ghee, re-strain it and pressure can ...
Linda Pederson's user avatar
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Shelf Life of Gochujang [duplicate]

I made Korean Gochujang with the following ingredients: Fermented White Miso Paste, Gochugaru (Fine powdered chili flakes), Sugar, Water, Salt and Vinegar. I cooked all ingredients except for the salt ...
onad's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

Repackaging shelf-stable products

For products that start out shelf stable but are labeled "refrigerate after opening," I'm wondering if it's possible to safely return them to their shelf-stable status to save refrigerator space. A ...
Jeff Axelrod's user avatar
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3 votes
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Best way to preserve excess tallow long-term

I received a shipment of eight 14oz bottles of grass-fed beef tallow. I will use one bottle right away. What is the best way to preserve the rest of the seven? One idea is to put the 7 bottles in a ...
Sridhar Ratnakumar's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Why does storing bread in a plastic (grocery) bag keep it fresh longer?

I accidentally stumbled upon this 'trick' a week ago when I forgot about a baguette that I bought for a party and never used. It was half-covered (loosely) by a plastic grocery bag. When I took it out ...
Chris Cirefice's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How can I store Brie for a long period?

There's a semi-local creamery that makes the loveliest Brie I've ever had. It's priced quite reasonably but the shipping costs more than the cheese itself, so it's a little impractical. I bought three ...
Sarah's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

(How) can I keep cheddar in a car in summer for 2 weeks

Is there a way I could prepare and store some cheddar cheese such that it would stay edible while being stored in a car in summer for about 12 days. I am going on a road trip, and I am trying to ...
Scorb's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

Food Vacuum Storage Systems

What do consumers need to keep in mind when shopping for food vacuum storage systems? It seems FoodSaver is the most well received brand with the largest market share in the food storage space, ...
user289394's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Cooked food / heat and serve meal, long term packaging

How does package food producers such as "Seeds of Change" or "Pacific Foods" package their food to keep for up to 15 months and store without refrigeration? What consumer, or DIY approach, most ...
user289394's user avatar
-2 votes
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When is the expiry date? [closed]

Honest to god, I tried so hard to identify it. I do see JAN 17 but I'm not sure if its January of 2017 or January the 17th. Plus I see 00:42 there but I'm not sure what it means, but I have a feeling ...
user3412975's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Why does food spoil in the freezer?

Many recipes suggest storing perishable food, such as left-over chicken stock, in the freezer for up to 2-3 months. Why could one not store it frozen for longer, surely bacteria and mould cannot grow ...
ScarletPumpernickel's user avatar
3 votes
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How to preserve homemade chocolates?

I make my own homemade chocolates, fillings are also prepared by me. The question is how to preserve the chocolates for a long period of time? As in keeping it in a refrigerator is it the right way ...
huda's user avatar
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0 answers

Inulin reduction in Jerusalem Artichokes [duplicate]

Last year we first planted Jerusalem Artichokes (Topinambour) in our vegetable garden. The plants did very well and we had quite a huge harvest. We found however that eating the tubers causes ...
Richard ten Brink's user avatar
1 vote
6 answers

Cutting the stems of banana instead of wrapping them when preserving them

I am searching for a ways to preserve the banana, and most of the time they said that I need to wrap the stems in a plastic or scotch tape so the gas wont come, they said that this gas is the reason ...
Cary Bondoc's user avatar
2 votes
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Can I purify / kill germs in a water to make it drinkable by putting it in a freezer?

I've conducted a research on how can I purify the water to make it drinkable and the results are many, but most of them says that drinking a freeze water can cause cancer to us. I am using a freezer ...
Cary Bondoc's user avatar
3 votes
6 answers

Ways to Store Carrots for more days

I recently brought a whole 2KG bag of carrots. They seemed fine the day I brought, but eventually, the skin of the carrot evolved to a black layer. However, when I peeled them off, the carrot looks ...
RHLK's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Do toasted nuts quickly lose flavor?

There are many recipes where freshly toasted nuts are called for, and that got me wondering--how far can I toast them in advance without sacrificing flavor? If not, how quickly do they lose flavor, ...
Jeff Axelrod's user avatar
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3 answers

How to fix ghee which partly turned white and smells rancidly?

A friend of mine has mistakenly stored his ghee in a bowl which was not quite hermetic hence exposed to oxygen and the sun light. The result is that the ghee turned white and is rancid. See the ...
Ilya Shinkarenko's user avatar
7 votes
9 answers

Does a home produce refrigerator exist?

It seems there are many foods that store best at about 50℉ (10℃) storage temperatures and high humidity levels: herbs, peppers, tomatoes, etc. As it stands, I store tomatoes and some herbs on the ...
Jeff Axelrod's user avatar
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67 votes
1 answer

How long can I store a food in the pantry, refrigerator, or freezer?

How do I know if a given food or ingredient I have is still good, or if I should discard it? How can I best preserve a food or ingredient? This broad question is intended as a "general reference" ...
derobert's user avatar
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2 answers

Is there a rule of thumb on vinegar's abilities as a preservative?

To follow up on the storage of ketchup in particular, many items in cupboards and refrigerators have vinegar listed as a key ingredient. The first things that come to mind are hot sauce, mustard, ...
mfg's user avatar
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13 votes
10 answers

Do you have to refrigerate Pickles?

So last weekend the wife and I got a huge jar of pickles at Costco. The thing is bigger than a gallon of milk (the wife really loves her pickles). There really isn't any room for it in the fridge, ...
boxed-dinners's user avatar
9 votes
5 answers

How long can you keep chocolate, and what is the best way to store it?

For instance, I have some bars of Valrhona I use for chocolate tarts and pastries, but I haven't been doing the dessert thing in a while. How long does chocolate last before losing flavor (or does it)...
user3579's user avatar
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8 votes
7 answers

Minimum procedure for sterilizing mason jars for canning

My wife and I are about to do some tomato canning tomorrow. We have a bunch of mason jars that we didn't have time to sterilize. She thinks that just washing them in hot water is enough. After ...
milesmeow's user avatar
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2 answers

How to store garlic?

When I buy garlic, I normally put it in a bowl on the kitchen counter or in the pantry, and then pop off cloves as need. Sometimes, if the garlic has been around for a while, I find what looks like ...
John Roberts's user avatar