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Questions tagged [ice-cream]

Questions about ice cream, soft or hard frozen dairy with sweetener & flavorings

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65 votes
9 answers

Why wooden sticks for ice cream bars?

Why are wooden sticks usually used for ice cream bars? This seems to hold for every commercial ice cream bar I have ever had, yet I can't find the reason... Why not use plastic instead, for example? ...
Bichoy's user avatar
  • 780
46 votes
17 answers

Is there something I can do to keep ice-cream soft?

I have bought a electric ice-cream churner, I have tried so many different flavours, different recipes, used alcohols. Have read previous questions and a don't believe that leaving ice-cream out to ...
Burdon on society's user avatar
38 votes
5 answers

Why does pistachio ice cream not taste like pistachio nuts?

I have eaten pistachio nuts (roasted, salted) many times and I like it. I also like pistachio flavoured ice cream, but I don't find it much similar. If it wasn't named like that, I would probably not ...
user985366's user avatar
24 votes
7 answers

How to make ice cream without a machine?

I recently made a poor-man's ice cream by making an egg custard and freezing it in the freezer in a metal bowl, stiring about every half hour. I was expecting it to freeze it 2 hours, but three hours ...
MatthewMartin's user avatar
24 votes
9 answers

How can I make my Ice Cream "creamier"?

My ice cream doesn't feel creamy enough. I got the recipe from Good Eats, and I can't tell if it's just the recipe or that I'm just not getting my "batter" cold enough before I try to make it. I let ...
BarrettJ's user avatar
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23 votes
3 answers

What is the difference between ice cream, gelato, and sorbet?

What is the difference between ice cream, gelato, and sorbet? They look different, but are they made differently?
Brian Willis's user avatar
21 votes
6 answers

Why can't this ice cream scoop go in the dishwasher?

I have an ice cream scoop that is labeled with something like: Do not immerse in water hotter than 140 °F / 60 °C. Do not wash this item in the dishwasher. What is the real reason for ...
Greg Hewgill's user avatar
18 votes
4 answers

How to know when to stop churning ice cream?

I've got a simple Cuisinart home churn, the kind that uses a frozen bowl rather than a compressor. On a couple of occasions, I'm pretty sure I've overchurned the mix, because it seems to leave a ...
Michael Natkin's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

Why use liquid nitrogen to make ice cream?

I turned on the TV yesterday just in time to see a guy use liquid nitrogen to make his ice cream. At first I thought it was just to make the show more exciting, but it seemed to be an important part ...
TryHarder's user avatar
  • 383
14 votes
2 answers

Can I freeze ice cream base before creaming it?

I recently acquired an ice cream maker, and successfully used it to make sone chocolate and coffee ice cream. The ice cream maker is actively cooled, but I doubt it makes a different. Most ice cream ...
Vladimir Cravero's user avatar
13 votes
9 answers

Does 'Non-cold/warm ice-cream' exist?

Is there a food that resembles the texture and consistency of ice cream but is not cold/does not have to be kept cold?
Daniela Mejia's user avatar
13 votes
5 answers

Why do you need eggs when making icecream?

I was looking for a good recipe to make pistachio almond ice cream, but all of them needed Eggs. My uncle used to sell home ice cream in Mexico, and I'm 100% that he never used an egg to make ...
ILikeTacos's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

Can Ice Cream Maker Wall be Too Cold?

There seems to be a recommended minimum temperature for making ice cream of about -30C. But, the temperature of liquid nitrogen (-200C), which is often used for the same purpose, is much lower. So, ...
bobuhito's user avatar
  • 577
13 votes
2 answers

What type of chocolate is in chocolate chip ice cream

I want to make homemade mint chocolate chip ice cream but I'm not sure what type of chocolate to use. It seems like the chips in most ice cream are actually chunks of a thin sheet of dark chocolate ...
Mike Deck's user avatar
  • 469
12 votes
2 answers

Is Italian style gelato achievable with standard home ice cream makers and home freezers?

I've not had much success trying to make Italian style gelato at home though French style ice cream works very well. I'm using the Cuisinart ICE-100 which comes with both an ice cream and a gelato ...
persiflage's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

How does adding vanilla extract help make a milkshake if the ice cream is already vanilla?

I recently purchased a professional-style milkshake mixer, and some recipes I've researched say that adding ice cream is a must for making shakes, along with adding a few drops of milk. But some of ...
The Harmonic Rainbow's user avatar
11 votes
4 answers

Reasons for separating eggs in ice cream

There are a lot of recipes requiring the eggs in the ingredients to be separated. And I know that whipping whole eggs cannot foam up as much as just whipping egg whites. But why separate eggs in ...
Daniel Cheung's user avatar
11 votes
8 answers

Making airier icecream

I've been working on improving my home made ice-cream and was wondering if anyone knew how to get more air into the mix. The ice-cream is great right out of the maker, but once I put it in the ...
boxed-dinners's user avatar
11 votes
8 answers

Why is my icecream bitter?

I am new to making homemade ice cream. I just started to feel confident with plain vanilla, so it was time for the next step - adding fruit. The custard recipe says it can be turned into fruit ice ...
rumtscho's user avatar
  • 141k
11 votes
2 answers

"Soften" ice cream to make ice cream bars

I am trying to make ice cream bars using a silicone mold, and the instruction sheet that came with it says "fill the mold with softened ice cream". I was wondering what the best way is to "soften" the ...
Ken Vergamot's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

What is the secret behind "always soft" ice cream?

Since humanity discovered the ice cream in a frozen cave in Antarctica, it was so hard you had to wait 15-20 minutes to be able to use it as food and not as a blunt object for a Hitchcock's plot. Then,...
Stefano Borini's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to make oat milk ice cream?

If you think that normal ice cream is made from milk, is it possible to make it with oat milk? I am not too sure if the lack of lactose in oat milk would restrict the stickiness or formation of the ...
Grace's user avatar
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10 votes
7 answers

GMS and CMC ratios in Ice Cream

I was exploring a variety of online sources and I stumbled into the emulsifier Glycerol Monostearate (GMS). According to Wikipedia it is commonly used in ice cream to make its texture creamier. I ...
Corez's user avatar
  • 251
10 votes
3 answers

Is it possible to have chocolate chunks in ice cream that aren't waxy?

My wife loves mint / chocolate chip ice cream. It hasn't been my favorite because of how waxy the cocoa butter in the chocolate becomes when it is cold. Is there a type of chocolate that won't become ...
Sobachatina's user avatar
  • 47.6k
9 votes
2 answers

Why is there a 2 step heating process for making custard for ice cream

I make ice cream frequently, with pretty good results, and I follow the same basic process for making the custard. This is the method I've seen repeated in many different recipes which involves: ...
GdD's user avatar
  • 77.9k
9 votes
3 answers

Why does holding ice cream mix improve flavor?

Why does holding ice cream mix overnight prior to churning improve the flavor of ice cream when it is finally made? This is true, empirically in my experience, even for simple Philadelphia style ice ...
SAJ14SAJ's user avatar
  • 73.4k
9 votes
3 answers

Why don't most ice cream recipes include salt in the base?

I've been getting into ice cream this summer and of all the recipes I've reviewed and tested, none of them call for salt in the ice cream mixture itself. (With the exception of caramel sea salt, and ...
ashley's user avatar
  • 199
8 votes
5 answers

Does pistachio ice cream need pistachio nut chunks in it?

I have become a big fan of pistachio ice cream, and I do mean the ice cream. I feel the nuts in the store-bought containers I have gotten are to the detriment of the ice cream. Is there some reason ...
Dave's user avatar
  • 191
8 votes
6 answers

Coloring colored ice-cream

I would like to buy strawberry ice-cream for my friend, and most of the strawberry-flavored ice-cream is pink in color. However, I am thinking of serving the ice-cream green color instead. Is there ...
Angeline's user avatar
8 votes
6 answers

Substitute for egg yolk in ice-cream (Egg Allergy)

I have a few questions regarding egg yolk in ice-cream. I would love to try making homemde ice-cream but a lot of recipes I see have egg yolk. Is there a substitute that I could use or is it ...
mary's user avatar
  • 81
8 votes
6 answers

What's the best way to defrost ice-cream/sorbet quickly?

I made some sorbet at the weekend, and realised just when we were due to serve that I had forgot to take it out of the freezer to soften, and so it was rock hard. What is the best way to bring it to ...
Sam Holder's user avatar
  • 11.3k
8 votes
4 answers

Tips for Creating a Creamy and Smooth Sorbet

Recently I purchased and ice cream maker and have been making lots of sorbets with our surplus frozen fruit. Often I will follow a recipe however sometimes not: sometimes the sorbets are icy after ...
Sebiddychef's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

How to achieve a flexible consistency on ice cream? (photos attached)

I'm an amateur ice cream maker. I've tried to emulate this ice cream without success: it is thick and flexible; the texture reminds me of melted marshmallows yet it´s not overly sweet. It's so ...
Adriana Morado's user avatar
8 votes
7 answers

Emulating Starbucks Frappuccino Cream Base

At Starbucks, the "Cream Based" (no coffee) frappuccinos all use a proprietary syrup base which I would like to emulate to be able to make a reasonable facsimile at home. When the baristas make a "...
jesse_galley's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

I just made ice cream. Unfortunately, it became gritty in the end result. What is a way to make use out of it?

I just made vanilla ice cream with my ice cream machine. The taste was amazing, however, the texture was sandy and gritty. I made a awful lot, and I do not want to dump the ice cream. How am I going ...
Alexandrang's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

How to make homemade ice cream with a chocolate swirl

My favorite ice cream flavor has swirls of gooey chocolate running through vanilla ice cream. What do I have to do to reproduce this effect with homemade ice cream? I tried adding chocolate sauce ...
Sobachatina's user avatar
  • 47.6k
8 votes
5 answers

Why is Ice Cream used in Hot Buttered Rum?

I'm looking at recipes for Hot Buttered Rum, as I have plenty of rum and it's cold out. Several of the recipes call for vanilla ice cream. Is that traditional? What is it for? Wouldn't it just cool ...
Yamikuronue's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

What features should I consider when getting an ice cream or gelato machine?

Obviously, there's the amount that it can make in one batch, and there seem to be three basic types (ones you freeze the bowl ahead of time; ones you pack it with salt and ice, and ones that ...
Joe's user avatar
  • 82.1k
7 votes
3 answers

Repeatedly softening ice cream in the microwave

My wife is in the habit of making ice cream easier to serve up by defrosting it in the microwave for 20 seconds or so to soften it. After serving, the ice cream goes back in the freezer until the ...
Carl H's user avatar
  • 507
7 votes
2 answers

Liquid nitrogen ice cream in food processor?

Has anyone tried using a food processor to make ice cream with liquid nitrogen? Since the container is not made of steel but hard plastic, I am wondering if it is ok to use a food processor to do ...
l3win's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Can any custard be made into a frozen custard?

I recently came upon a book of antique recipes, and there are several wonderful custards. I really have my eye on an almond custard, but not to serve as a custard, but to freeze in an ice cream maker ...
Matthew's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Is Ciao Bella's "Rosemary and Olive Oil Gelato" savory?

I am about to make ice cream (for dessert) from The Ciao Bella book for Gelato and Sorbetto and was thinking about trying the Rosemary and Olive Oil Gelato. It says something about being savory, but ...
bob's user avatar
  • 173
7 votes
1 answer

Recommendations for making ice cream with milk and corn starch (corn flour)

I started off making ice cream in the French style with cream and egg yolks. I've mostly been using David Lebovitz's web site and his fantastic book the Perfect Scoop. I've recently been experimenting ...
persiflage's user avatar
6 votes
7 answers

Is it possible to make non-sweet icecream (i.e. with no added sugar or sweeteners)?

I know plain frozen yogurt exists, but what is so special about sugar that there doesn't seem to be a non-sweet substitute?
Dmiters's user avatar
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6 votes
7 answers

How do I avoid hot fudge turning my ice cream into a soupy mess?

My pregnant wife's cravings have recently turned towards sweets, and this week it is banana splits, with a very specific formula: chocolate ice cream, banana, whipped cream, and hot fudge. It's not ...
Ray's user avatar
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6 votes
5 answers

What kind of containers for homemade ice cream?

In the past, I've usually stored homemade ice creams and sorbets in reusable/disposable plastic containers (e.g. Gladware), but I've busted more than a couple of these when trying to scoop hard-frozen ...
Caleb's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

Donvier Ice Cream Maker - why stirring only every 2 minutes?

This weekend I picked up a hand-cranked ice cream maker for a very low price. However some of the instructions don't make much sense. For this maker, they say to crank the handcrank 2-3 times every 2-...
Matthew's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

What is the term for "plain" non-flavored ice cream

Me (russian) talked to my partner (american) about ice cream flavors. In Russia and post-USSR plain flavor (creamy-milky one) is extremely popular and often called пломбир. It is the default flavor, ...
aaaaa says reinstate Monica's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Beating eggs & sugar when making gelato

I have attempted to make coffee flavoured gelato. I have run into a problems specifically when the beaten egg yolk/sugar mixture is heated with the cream/milk mixture - until "it thickens enough to ...
Holly's user avatar
  • 115
6 votes
2 answers

How can I make Turkish dondurma?

Turkish ice cream is called dondurma. Besides milk and sugar it also contains: Salep- a flour made of ground orchids and Mastic- a resin that produces a gum. Because of these ingredients dondurma has ...
Sobachatina's user avatar
  • 47.6k

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