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Questions tagged [salt]

Questions about the use of culinary salt in the kitchen.

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1 answer

What is the difference between normal salt and salt of guérande?

What is the difference between the salt of guérande sel de guérande and normal salt ? I have a truffle flavored sel de guérande, which have nearly the same taste of normal salt if it doesn't contain ...
alim1990's user avatar
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2 answers

How do potatoes work against salt

For people cooking now and then it is common knowledge that you have to add an extra of salt if you're including potatoes in your meal. But what is the (biological? chemical?) reason that potatoes - ...
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1 answer

If I double a bread recipe do I double the salt? [duplicate]

I think it was my mom who gave me the rule of thumb that when you double a recipe you double everything except the salt. I'm willing to defer to her wisdom for the sorts of soups and stews she liked ...
2dwolfe's user avatar
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27 votes
5 answers

What can be done with accidentaly oversalted beef?

I mistakenly marinated some thin beef with regular salt for one day before barbecuing it, turns out you're not supposed to do that! Even after washing it, it is unbearable to eat it by itself. I'm ...
Mojimi's user avatar
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2 answers

Sugar and Salt Solutions

When making bread dough, can sugar and salt solutions be used or should the sugar and salt be added dry?
Alex_B's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Will putting a salted steak into a preheated stainless steel pan cause pitting?

Typically when I cook steak, I salt/pepper it and then leave it out for a while to warm up. Next, I preheat my non-stick pan, put in olive oil, and add the steak. However, I recently bought a set of ...
MikeS's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Accidentally omitted salt from my gingerbread cookies... what should I do?

I forgot to add the salt in my gingerbread dough, and it's already in the fridge. Should I re do the dough? Is there a way to add it in?
Lachlan Houck's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Salt won't dissolve in buttermilk brine

I'm making fried chicken and the first step of most recipes involve soaking the chicken in a buttermilk and salt brine to tenderise it. However, I have had problems getting the salt to dissolve in ...
user60513's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

Baking beetroot in coffee crust

I've just read a blog post from Amass restaurant. I got very curious about roasting beetroot in coffee grounds as they said in the article. Looking a bit further, I've also found an article by Amass' ...
illichosky's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Overly salted sauerkraut

I made two batches of sauerkraut. The first one turned out great and is already canned. In the 2nd batch I put too much salt, and it is not working as quickly as the 1st. What I was wondering: ...
S iverson's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Cooked bacon too salty

I Have already cooked in the slow cooker overnight the bacon and forgot to soak. It is now really really salty and unfit to eat. How can I solve now and get rid of the salt. Thanks Bernie
Bernie's user avatar
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13 votes
6 answers

How to dissolve salt into mashed potatoes

I am trying to find a way to mix salt into my mashed potatoes without having unpleasant bits of salt appear in each mouthful. I usually steam them with their skins-on, before mixing in salt, and ...
user60513's user avatar
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4 votes
5 answers

Cooking pasta: when to salt?

So, I have always been salting the water first when cooking pasta. Another amateur cook friend insists on salt after boil because it raises boil temperature elsewise. I keep telling him I don't care ...
The Doctor's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

How to flake rock sea salt?

I received a gift of pink rock sea salt and would like to know how best to process it into flakes. Briefly tried a box grater but that resulted in fine granules. The container includes three walnut ...
A. Oloroso's user avatar
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5 answers

How can I reduce the sodium/salt in Halloumi?

I bought some Halloumi cheese the other day, and noticed that its sodium content is a whopping 1.3 grams per 100 grams! I'm really scared to serve this now. Surely your blood pressure would skyrocket ...
1234567's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

How Much Ammonium Chloride for Home-made Salt Licorice?

I want to make my own Scandinavian style salt licorice. I was able to buy ammonium chloride at a local spice store, but I am not sure how much to use. My research, so far, has suggested a ...
AV Bacchiochi's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

What is the function of salt in chocolate?

Iv'e recently seen, for the first time, chocolate coins filled with caramel and "Atlantic salt". I did a bit of searching and found some more of these types of sweets: To the food simpleton that I am,...
user1803551's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How can I add salt and get it to permeate throughout chocolate?

Based on a previous question I understand it is not possible to make chocolate from home since specialist and expensive equipment is reqiured. As such I bought premade dark chocolate from the shop, ...
James Wilson's user avatar
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17 votes
3 answers

Is there any advantage to combining spices before applying them to meat?

Up to this point when preparing steaks, ribs, or any sort of "meat" I would apply my spices in sequence: first adding salts, followed by a pepper-based powders, and lastly some sugars (if applicable). ...
Carl Edwards's user avatar
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Include salt in dry premix?

Should salt be part of the dry premix? I plan to start making dry premixes, as normally done in factory operations. Separated for different pastries, the premixes will include any of the ff: flour, ...
wearashirt's user avatar
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Does yeast use the salt in the ferment?

During the rising process, does the yeast consume and break down any of the salt in the dough, or is the amount you put in at the start the amount you get in your final loafs? (just spotted some ...
Ilya Grushevskiy's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

over salted an uncooked steak

I seasoned uncooked rib steaks yesterday (using a truffle sea salt). cooked 1 today and it was way too salty. How can I salvage the 2 remaining steaks. I cooked the 1st steak in the oven broiler....
Lynn's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Is there a substitute for cheese salt?

I've started to learn how to make cheese and all the recipes call for cheese salt. What is it about this particular salt that makes it different than others? Some of the reading I've done have a few ...
NKY Homesteading's user avatar
20 votes
1 answer

Why does salt enhance the flavor of food?

I eat a lot of salt. It makes almost everything taste better, including: Meat Cookies Vegetables Sauces Chocolate much more It seems to me like salt makes almost anything better, but it doesn't just ...
Caleb's user avatar
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What is the point of roasting salt?

This recipe for ginger-garlic paste roasts the salt before putting it in the paste. Now, I never thought I've seen someone roasting salt before. What is the point of this? How does it change the ...
arvidj's user avatar
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80 votes
10 answers

Are there any advantages to freshly ground salt?

Recently, I've seen salt grinders sold in stores. I understand that freshly ground pepper has a plus over pre-ground pepper in terms of freshness and strength. However, salt to me seems like a mineral,...
Mennyg's user avatar
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2 answers

How easily can table salt be contaminated?

In Alton Brown and The Food Lab Play With Chicken, Alton Brown (jokingly?) chides J. Kenji Lopez-Alt for touching raw chicken right before pinching salt from a tub. AB: So it's okay to put your hands ...
cyang's user avatar
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1 answer

Accidentally used salted butter

I'm making some brownies for my nieces church school and I accidentally used salted butter and my batter is incredibly salty. Is there any way I can counter the saltiness of it? I'd hate to waste a it....
user53731's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Ran out of salt can I use MSG (monosodium glutamate) instead?

I can't read in local language and was looking to buy some salt, so I went to local shop picked up what looked like it (white crystals in plain plastic bag without much colour and decoration). I ...
Matas Vaitkevicius's user avatar
2 votes
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How do I mellow out the saltiness in black olives?

I have some dishes where the umami olive flavor would be perfect if not for all the saltiness that is added to the dish. I am looking for a way to mellow the saltiness in the olive in a subtle way so ...
Bar Akiva's user avatar
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Does cooking black bengal gram with salt lead to increased cooking time or lack of softening?

I have heard that cooking bengal gram with salt can lead to increased cooking time compared to cooking it without salt.So i used to add salt just before serving the curry.Other pulses like green gram ...
aelin_s's user avatar
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1 answer

Iodized or sea salt

In cooking, should I chose iodized or sea salt? I have no particular health or thyroid concerns, but I'm not particularly sure on what the difference of the flavor can either of the two bring.
Rin Minase's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

How much Salt to Boil Chicken Breast

Well you heard right how much salt,! I am a complete noob when it comes to cooking and I have never cooked before. I need to regain my muscle so i desire some boiled chicken. I want to know how much ...
Terminal15's user avatar
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Brining vs Salting - what's going on?

The issue of whether or not to salt a steak in advance is ancient, but I think it's fair to say that there is at least some consensus that salting meat is associated with drier steak, because of the ...
yerbamate170's user avatar
6 votes
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Do Morrocan-stye pickled lemons really need 5 to 10% salt?

I want to make Morrocan-stye pickled lemons, but I was only able to find one site with an explicit ratio, and it says: In On Food and Cooking, Harold McGee suggests that a solution of five to 10% ...
Owen_AR's user avatar
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Pickled/preserved lemons/limes - grams of salt per kilogram of fruit? [duplicate]

[ I think this question here was originally too unclear. because I was still researching and figuring out exactly what I wanted to ask when I posted it. I edited it a few times, but I think my editing ...
Owen_AR's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Rust in salt, is it safe?

I bought a small tin of Jacobsen Sea Salt which is all the rage in Portland, Oregon. I left it in my back pack for a few weeks and when I took it out and opened it up I am noticing some rust from the ...'s user avatar
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4 votes
5 answers

How much salt should be used in dishes for the best flavor?

Is there a way to determine how much salt per quantity of food is required? For example if I use 1kg of ingredients then I need at most one tbsp of salt. Any such metrics? The quantity of salt to be ...
Jayraj Srikriti Naidu's user avatar
6 votes
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Influence of salt on gluten

How does salt influence gluten development in sourdough bread dough? Does it inhibit or enhance it?
Frank Podborski's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

How to separate salt from chocolate?

For the cake we needed melted chocolate with some extra sugar. However, instead of sugar we have added salt. Is there a viable way to separate the salt? The chocolate has 60% cocoa in it, and there'...
tsuma534's user avatar
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1 answer

What salt should I use in a bread machine recipe?

I've got a big book of bread machine recipes that does a really good job breaking down what ingredients perform what actions in the whole baking process and how modifying the recipe will change the ...
Kymvaris's user avatar
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Using I Can't Believe It's Not Butter and salt in a recipe that calls for unsalted butter

There's a cookie recipe I'm going to make that calls for 3/4 cup unsalted butter, melted and 1/2 teaspoon salt. We use I Can't Believe It's Not Butter as a substitute for butter, however that contains ...
Karnage2015's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Low sodium French Bread or Baguette

Is it possible to make low sodium French Bread or Baguettes? My husband is on a low sodium diet and will only eat French Bread. I know there is a relationship between yeast and salt.
Susan GM's user avatar
3 votes
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Over salted kimchi

I made sprouted soybean kimchi but it turns out I used too much salt. Is there a way to compensate for that now or is it too late to save the taste ?
blackbird's user avatar
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Kosher veal steak more salty than kosher beef steak - is it expected and why?

When I make veal vs. beef steak from kosher meat, it consistently seems to me that the veal is significantly more salty. The steak isn't salted by me at all (aside from whatever saltiness remains ...
DVK's user avatar
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What makes pink salt pink? [duplicate]

What are some of the names of chemical compounds (minerals our what not) which make the healthy (sandless) pink salt pink?
Jack Maddington's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

How can I reduce the salt in oversalted potatoes?

Let's just say I was experimenting, and now I have a pan full of diced carrots and potatoes that have been boiled and way, way over-brined. They taste like... salt. It's very bad.
learning's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How much salt do I use to ferment 1 quart of cabbage? [duplicate]

How much salt do I add to ferment 1 quart of cabbage?
Dale's user avatar
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Salting Pork Chops

I have this idea of how I want to make pork chops. I don't know if it is a good idea so I'm asking about it here. I want to take about two kg of pork chops, salt them with kosher salt for about two ...
Neil Meyer's user avatar
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If salt loses its flavor, how can you season it?

I have a shaker of salt on my table, and (fingers crossed) it still tastes salty. But I'm concerned that someday it will lose its saltiness and then I wouldn't know what to do. Is there something you ...
Owen's user avatar
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